Church to re-open 31MAY20

Protocols for St. Andrew Orthodox Church
re-opening on 31st May, 2020


All parishioners (including Altar Servers) will be required to wear a MASK to enter the church and keep it on at all times during the service except when receiving Holy Communion.

The Choir will be allowed to remove theirs only while signing.

. A Mask will be provided at the door if you do not have or can’t afford one.

. Every person entering the church will have their body temperature taken with an approved digital        medical thermometer.

. For the now, we are asking that no one kiss the icons in the church.

. The pews in the church that have a Yellow tape on the end at middle isle please do not sit in them to assist in social distancing.

. There will be no Coffee hour after church.

. The Choir loft is closed. The Choir will be limited (to a four (4) singers plus the choir director) and will stand in front of the church on the Saviour side of the church.

Holy Communion:

Will be given on a wooden spoon. 1 for each parishioner. These spoons after they are used will be placed in a bin and burned after church.

A pile of paper towels will be available for each communicate to take one and to hold under their mouth. After being communed the communicate is asked to place it into a waste container. The paper towels will be burnt with the wooden spoons.

We will have people come up for communion 1 row at a time and please respect distancing while in line.
The infirm will be communed in the pew where that they are sitting, They do not have to leave their seats.

Remove your mask just before receiving communion. The priest will be wearing a mask during Holy Communion.

Please do NOT kiss the chalice and your mouth will not be wiped with the cloth.

. The Altar Servers will wash their hands with soap and water and will wear gloves and masks at all times in the sanctuary.

An Altar Servers or a Parishioner with gloves will hand the antidorim (the bread) to each person after communion.


Parishioners may light their own candles and place the cost of the candle in a basket at the candle stand.
The collect basket will be placed on the tetrapod.

The kissing of the cross will NOT happen and please do not kiss the priest’s hand. Instead the priest will stand at the back of the church and bless all with the hand cross. Parishioners will exit the church one row at a time beginning with the last pew and then moving forward to the front pews.

Parishioners who do not feel comfortable coming to the church during this pandemic should NOT come to the church and follow what is in their heart and stay home. Should you wish to receive Holy Communion at home, please call the priest for him to make arrangements to do so.

Requests for panikhidas or any other service should be telephoned to Fr. Lowe at (724) 285 1336 the day before the Sunday liturgy.


. Parishioners will be emailed or sent a letter on these protocols.

. Should you have any questions please call the Parish President Jeff Campbell or the Fr. Lowe.


. Visitors to the church are asked to telephone the priest in advance on (724) 285 1336 for them to be appraised of our protocol.

Rest Rooms

. A cleaning regiment sheet will be posted in the toilets that will display when they were last cleaned (time and date) and initialled by the house keeper when that was done.


. The church will be sanitised after each and every service and please be assured that the parish council is doing its utmost to keep everyone safe to the best of its ability given advice from CDC and PA Dept. of Health.

The blessing of the Lord!

May Yahweh bless you and keep you. May Yahweh let his face shine on you and be gracious to you.  Yahweh show you his face and bring you peace.”

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