St Andrew History Timeline


1906 Rev Philip Sredanovich sent by the Russian Mission to serve Russian, Serbian, Syrian, and Greek immigrants in the Butler area; services at a building near B&O RR Station in Butler but most Orthodox people lived in Lyndora; Fr Sredanovich relocated in Lyndora; services held on the 2nd floor of a private building/hall on corner of Chesapeake St and Bessemer Ave then on 1st floor of the same building


1908 one lot purchased on Main St, Lyndora from Kohler family for $700


1909 Fr Sredanovich himself started to build a wooden church 18’ X 36’


1909 June 17  New Castle Herald PA 17 June 1909 page 10 “Fr Sredanovich’s congregation worshiped in a hall in Lyndora until Easter Day on which day the first service was held in the new church on the corner of Francis (which became Main) and North Pacific avenues in the Kohler plan of lots. The church is not completed and is intended to be only a temporary place of worship. When the good times come again a new and larger edifice will be erected and the present building peace {sic}. The good pastor that the will be used for parochial school purposes.”

“This building is almost entirely the work of Fr Sredanovich. He designed it, and his hands with but little assistance, have constructed it thus far. Every day the pastor can be found plying the saw, the hatchet, or the paint brush with an earnestness and skill that command our admiration. He is certainly a great force for good n our foreign suburb, and may his work prosper.” For church location see 1911 sheet 38 and 1921 sheet 40 Sanborn Maps

1911 land purchased on Penn Ave and Lehigh St from Standard Steel Car Company; Keyko drafted the plans for the church, collected funds and directed construction


1911-1915 Parish President Thomas Merlak


1914 cornerstone laid for church on Penn Ave and Lehigh some of the first parishioners and founders:
Ignatius Budrevich
Michael Savochka
Michael Moroz
Ivan Hollak
Sam Musko
Thomas Meriak
Theodore Blisak
Andronik Shajnovich
Wasil Fecich
Zenovy Prichodko
Yevdokim Gulevich
Harry Sukovach
Stephen Berdey
John Blisak
Ivan Pavlukovich
Luka Homich
Paul Voytulevich
Theodore Feloniuk
Mark Dubic
Theodore Hollock
Harry Kraustock
Klem Lokovich
Ivan Sverdeskie
Sergius Sawchuk
Wasyl Turach


1915 blessing of the church on the Feast of Protection by Fr Limaroff


1916-1917 Parish President Andronik Shajnovich


1917 parish home and property adjoining acquired


1918  Parish President Ivan Galburda


1917-1919 flu epidemic took toll on parishioners and depression after WWI caused financial problems but mortgage payments met on time


1919-1920 Parish President Ivan Hollak


1921 Parish President Jacob Brich


1922 Parish President Andrew Brenko


1923 Parish President Ignatius Budrevich


1924 Parish President Andrew Brenko


1925 street and sidewalk paved; city assessment became an added burden


1925-1926 Parish President Nestor Shymelo


1927-1930  Parish President Anthony Buchta


1928  Parish incorporated


1931-1932  Parish President Nestor Shymelo


1933 Parish President Stephen Lenyk


1934 Jan 21  ROY Club founded and organized Fr Yakubovsky directed the organization of the club assisted the church, projects to remedy problems – church improvements, property cleaned and cared for, taxes paid, financial contributions; see detailed list in 65th Annniversary Book 1906-1971


1934-1935  Parish President Andrew Brenko


1936 Oct 14  Sisterhood of the Altar Original Church Charter Officers
President - Mary Fecich
Vice President - Agnes Salivonchik
Secretary - Stephania Pesocky
Treasurer - Eva Lenyk
Asst Treaurer - Mary Kuzelin


1936-1939  President of Sisterhood Mary Fecich


1936-1945  Parish President John Fecich


1939-1940  President of Sisterhood Stefania Pesocky


1940  Sisterhood purchased the gold-gilded Gospel Book


1940 March  Sunday School organized by Fr Stepahin See 65th Anniversary Book 1906-1971 for detailed description


1940-1941  President of Sisterhood Sophia Fecich


1941-1942  President of Sisterhood Helen Smith


1942 St Basil Brotherhood lent funds without interest for mortgage to be paid; WWII


1943-1952  President of Sisterhood


1939-1945  WWII unemployment decreased, church became solvent, church treasury increased and bought War Bonds


1946-1947  Parish President Anthony Grennek


1948-1949  Parish President John Botzchea


1950  Parish President Anthony Grennek


1950s English gradually introduced in liturgy to replace Church Slavonic


1949-1950 ROY Club purchased pews and new crystal chandelier


1951-1952  Parish President Daniel Smith


1952-1953  President of Sisterhood Marge Fecich


1953  ROY Club Don Cossack Concert


1953-1954  Parish President John Fecich


1953-1956  President of Sisterhood Helen Jankovich


1955 envelop system of collection


1955-1974 Parish President Peter Fecich


1956-1958 President of Sisterhood Alice Thomas


1957 October  ROY Club remodeled parish home, church interior and auditorium renovated including a modern kitchen


1958 Sept 1 acquisition and dedicatonof 3 bronze bells gifted by Mrs Keffalas and her children Dorothy, Alice, Elias, Evelyn, Pete, Spero, Alberta, and Petros

in memory of John L Keffalas, Petros L Keffalas, Alexander P Lemos



1958-1960  President of Sisterhood Ann Olenic


1960-1961  President of Sisterhood Marge Fecich


1961-1962  President of Sisterhood


1962-1963  President of Sisterhood Mary Loverick


1963-1964  President of Sisterhood Helen Buckowsky


!964-1965  President of Sisterhood Helen Jankovich


1965-1967  President of Sisterhood Ola Fedokovitz


1967-1969  President of Sisterhood Frances Fecich


1969-1970  President of Sisterhood Virginia Kork


1960s  Sisterhood new floor covering and new carpeting


1970 bought Solocha house used for storage and church school classes


1970-1971 Sisterhood of the Altar Officers
President – Joy Nanchuk
Vice President – Ann Fedosick
Secretary - Mary Prenovitz
Treasurer – Mary Stepahin


1971 ROY Club iconastas painted and gold-leafed and church interior and exterior painted; priest vestments, altar boys’ dalmatics and altar vestments replaced


1971-1973  President of Sisterhood Ann Fedosick


1973-1974  President of Sisterhood Margaret Glagola


1974  John Botzchea transferred his North Side Cemetery ‘Deed with Covenant for Perpetual Care’ lot 81 sec 37 rev. to St Andrew’s for purpose of altar
North Side Cemetery Assn with St Andrew’s Orthodox Church


1974-1976  President of Sisterhood Mary Tincha


1976  cupolas installed


1976 Aug 26  carillon chimes installed a gift of Mrs Pete J Keffalas and sons John Pete Keffalas, William Pete Keffalas and Alexander Pete Keffalas in memory of parents and grandparents: John L Keffalas and Katherine Lemos Keffalas President of Sisterhood Mary Tincha


1974-1981  Parish President Steve Sinkevich


1976-1978  President of Sisterhood Frances Fecich


1978-1979  President of Sisterhood Mary Tincha


1979-1980  President of Sisterhood Ann Fedosick


1980-1981  President of Sisterhood Mary Tincha


1981-1982  President of Sisterhood Ann Fedosick


1982-1985  President of Sisterhood Helen Jankovich


1985-1986  Presidenet of Sisterhood Stella DeLess


1995 Community Center sold to local Vietnam Veterans

by 1996 – no specific dates given Solocha house was demolished and leveled for parking lot and parking lot retaining wall completed Church and parish sandblasted and cleaned; new soffit and fascia coverings installed; crumbling retaining wall at lower walk rebuilt; new light on the side of the church and replacement lights in front of church installed; ramp to by-pass steps installed and carpeted; sign identifying church installed and landscaped

Inside church old electric wiring above choir loft replaced, track lights installed in choir loft; kitchen in church hall remodeled and refurnished

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