27th Annual Slavic Festival, Ambridge, PA
Holy Ghost Orthodox Church
210 Maplewood Avenue
Ambridge, Pennsylvania 15003
V. Rev. Fr. William J. Evansky, Pastor
10 September, 2019
Glory to Jesus Christ!
The Holy Ghost Orthodox Church will be sponsoring its TWENTY-SEVENTH Annual Slavic Food Festival on Saturday, October 12, at the Holy Ghost Orthodox Youth Center, 405 Maplewood Avenue, Ambridge from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm. I would appreciate it if you would relay this information to your congregation in your weekly bulletin or after-Church announcements.
Dinners will feature stuffed cabbage, chicken Kiev, kielbassi with sauerkraut, pierogis, and halushki. A variety of home baked pastries, cake and pies will be available for dessert or to take home.
Other highlights of the festival will include a Religious Articles booth and a festival auction. The Russian Balalaika Orchestra will provide live musical entertainment at 3:00 pm followed by the Strolling Balalaikas of Pittsburgh at 4:00 pm. Attached is a flier to post on your Church's bulletin board.
I will be looking forward to seeing you and members of your congregation at our Festival. Thank you for promoting our event.
Please feel free to notify me when your congregation has a festival or fund raising event, so that we may publicize it in our Church bulletin.
Yours in Christ,