Doru Costache

Sydney College of Divinity, Theology, Faculty Member

Doctor of Theology (University of Bucharest, 2000). I have publicly defended a thesis on the Anthropic Cosmological Principle, Father Dumitru Stăniloae and Saint Maximus the Confessor. I published parts of it.

Co-founder and President of the Australian Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies (established February 2017).

Honorary Associate of the Department of Studies in Religion, the School of Letters, Art and Media, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the University of Sydney. 27 March 2017 - 26 March 2018.


Adjunct Senior Lecturer in the School of Philosophy and Theology, Sydney.

The University of Notre Dame Australia. Since 17 July 2017.

Accredited as Senior Lecturer in Theology (Patristic studies) with the Sydney College of Divinity. Currently I teach, sessionally, at St Cyril's Coptic Orthodox Theological College a member institution of SCD.


Previous tertiary experience --

2005-2017 St Andrew's Greek Orthodox Theological College

1994-2004 Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Bucharest

Research --
Currently I work with an international team of researchers, recipient of a grant from the Templeton Foundation for the program Science and Orthodoxy around the World (2016-2019) hosted by National Hellenic Research Foundation (Athens). One of my contributions to the program was to organise a seminar in June 2017. and


Main research interests --
Traditional or patristic theology;
Christian worldviews;
Experiences of holiness;
The dialogue of science and theology.

Lasting interest --
Interpretations of Genesis 1-3 within tradition and in the light of contemporary challenges.

Current work --
A book on natural contemplation in Clement the Alexandrian;
A book on early Christian and Byzantine worldviews. Most of my publications in the last few years are closely related to these projects.


Scholarship --
I initiated and convened seven St Andrew's Patristic Symposia (2009-2016).
The keynotes have been offered by: Pauline Allen, Paul Blowers, David Bradshaw, Adam Cooper, Wendy Mayer, Bronwen Neil, Anna Silvas.


Whilst at St Andrew's, I organised series of lectures, seminars and round tables with: Paul Blowers, David Bradshaw, Adam Cooper, Bronwen Neil, Anna Silvas, Jonathan Wooding, Johannes Zachhuber.

Former member of the editorial board of Phronema (2010-2017):


Memberships --
The scientific advisory board ( of the Institute for Transdisciplinary Studies in Science, Spirituality and Society (July 2013);
International Association of Patristic Studies;
Australian Association for Byzantine Studies;
Asia-Pacific Early Christian Studies Society;
Society for the Study of Early Christianity.


My ORCID is 0000-0002-0255-1928

Some of my works are also available at

A broader collection of my papers and non-reviewed articles can be found here:


Protopresbyter of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Australia and New Zealand.
Address: Sydney Australia

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